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Dashboard overview

When you click on the My Platform tab, you will be redirected to your platform's dashboard. The platform dashboard consists of multiple horizontal tabs as outlined in the image below. 

Each tab will be discussed in greater detail later in this guide; in this lesson, we provide an overview. 

  1. Practitioners: allows you to manage who has access to your platform and Private Academy;
  2. Tags: allows you to manage the tags in your account. Tags are optional and can be used to provide better segmentation of your platform's members;
  3. Questionnaires (this feature must be enabled for you by the Embodia team): allows you to view current questionnaires and create and share questionnaires with your practitioners;  
  4. Courses: gives an overview of the courses belonging to your platform;
  5. Branding: allows you to change your Private Academy’s contact info, branding, and email communication
  6. Course instructors: allows you to manage the information for the course instructors that are teaching your courses;
  7. Stats: shows you analytics for your platform;
  8. Payments: add and update your payment information as well as view and download your invoices.
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