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Gastrointestinal Disorders and The Pelvic Floor

Gastrointestinal Disorders and The Pelvic Floor

Gastrointestinal Disorders and The Pelvic Floor

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in September 2018


Learn a comprehensive approach to gastrointestinal disorders including bowel and digestion dysfunction through didactic lectures, hands-on labs, and case study presentations.

This approach allows for the consideration of the management of multiple factors including nutritional, behavioral, medical-surgical decisions, and advanced physical therapy examination and treatment.

A comprehensive approach will lead to improved management of this complex patient, as a varied intervention approach is required to be successful.

Short Video Introduction

Learning Objectives

Through completion of this course, participants will:

  • Understand and define functional bowel disorders and bowel disease
  • Recognize the latest evidence on the CNS and endocrine relationship to the GI system in adults
  • Understand medical testing/imaging and interpretation of the result
  • Implement a physiotherapy assessment for differential diagnosis of individuals with gastrointestinal disorders
  • Identify medical “red flags” that warrant referral to the appropriate physician
  • Recognize the behavioral components and the role of physical therapy interventions
  • Apply assessment and treatment techniques to the patients with complex bowel disorders including dyssenergia
  • Implement the balloon catheter to treat increased and decreased colorectal sensitivity


This online physiotherapy course is open to physical therapists, nurses, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, medical doctors, and any other licensed health care provider. 

Completion of this course will improve the practitioners' performance of an evaluation of the musculoskeletal aspect of the GI system (including a focus on the lower GI region), establish and create a treatment plan and it’s progression for GI dysfunction and movement impairments of the abdomen and pelvic region.  The interventions will include manual therapy, movement/exercise, respiration and balloon catheter techniques to reduce dysfunction. They will also gain a foundational knowledge of the GI system including digestive disorders, basic nutritional contributions, abdominal and pelvic floor dysfunction, and psychosocial/behavioral contributions.

The instructors
Susan Clinton

Dr. Clinton is an award-winning physical therapist in professional achievement and the owner of LTI Physio in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Susan is board certified in orthopedic and women’s health physical therapy, a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and a board certified health and wellness coach.

She is an international instructor/mentor of post-professional education in women’s health (including GI issues in women), orthopedic manual therapy, health/wellness coaching for the health care practitioner and business psychology. She is on faculty at Andrews University in the Doctor of Science in PT program, a Master Coach for the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, a reviewer for the Journal of Womens Health Physical Therapy and a clinical faculty instructor for the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy and ASPIRE. She is also an active author in research and blog posts, and is an active professional/clinical mentor. Susan is the co-founder and board member for the foundation: Global Women’s Health Initiative. She is also the co-host of the 5 five-star podcast, “Tough to Treat,” the guide to treating complex patients, and “The Genius Project,” reframing the treatment of persistent musculoskeletal pain.

Susan enjoys walking / hiking, country line dance and ballroom, and is an avid supporter of music, the arts, and international objectives for women’s health.

Material included in this course
  • Introduction and Resources
  • Welcome and Course Resources
  • Medical Management of Functional Bowel Disorders and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Medical Management of Functional Bowel Disorders and Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Part 1
  • Medical Management of Functional Bowel Disorders and Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Part 2
  • Medical Management of Functional Bowel Disorders and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Feedback
  • Medical Testing by Dr. Vikhas Shaw
  • Medical Testing - Part 1
  • Medical Testing - Part 2
  • Medical Testing - Part 3
  • Medical Testing - Part 4
  • Medical Testing Feedback
  • Physical Therapy Examination / Intervention Pelvic Region
  • Outcome Measurement & Subjective History
  • Physical Therapy Examination
  • Toileting Mechanics
  • Biofeedback
  • Physical Therapy Examination / Intervention Pelvic Region Feedback
  • Physical Therapy Examination / Intervention Abdomen and Spin
  • Subjective History
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Physical Therapy Examination
  • Physical Therapy Intervention
  • Physical Therapy Examination / Intervention Abdomen and Spin Feedback
  • Adjunct Considerations
  • Sleep
  • Stress and Exercises
  • Diet
  • Food Allergies vs. Intolerance + Gut Microbiome + Probiotics - Part 1
  • Food Allergies vs. Intolerance + Gut Microbiome + Probiotics - Part 2
  • Adjunct Considerations Feedback
  • Clinical Reasonings + GI
  • Colorectal Sensory Motor Integretion - Part 1
  • Colorectal Sensory Motor Integretion - Part 2
  • Clinical Reasonings + GI Feedback
  • Post Surgical Rehab
  • Post Surgical Rehab
  • Post Surgical Rehab Feedback
  • GI Dysfunction in Orthopedic Populations and Athletes
  • GI Dysfunction in Orthopedic Populations and Athletes
  • GI Dysfunction in Orthopedic Populations and Athletes Feedback
  • Labs
  • Balloon Catheter Setup and Mechanics
  • Balloon Catheter Rectum Intervention and Anal Canal Intervention
  • External Exam of the Posterior Triangle, Supine and Prone
  • Seated
  • Abdomen - Part 2
  • Labs Feedback
  • Medical Testing Videos
  • Imaging of Bowel Dysfunction: Part 1
  • Imaging of Bowel Dysfunction: Part 2
  • Medical Testing Feedback
Patient exercises included in this course
  • Posterior Triangle Massage with a Ball
  • Toileting Position
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