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Evidence-Informed Practices for Individualized Prescription of Ankle-Foot Orthoses

Evidence-Informed Practices for Individualized Prescription of Ankle-Foot Orthoses

Evidence-Informed Practices for Individualized Prescription of Ankle-Foot Orthoses

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in October 2022


Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are routinely prescribed for individuals with mobility limitations to address a range of impairments and support function and participation in daily activities. 

Designing the optimal AFO-footwear combination for each unique client is a multifaceted challenge. There are numerous options to consider, but limited evidence-based guidance to support decision-making. Physiotherapists may not feel confident contributing to the process due to traditional role expectations or lack of knowledge, yet orthotic intervention can be integral to a client’s mobility goals and intervention plan.

Building on learners’ foundational knowledge of gait and movement, this online physiotherapy course will illustrate a framework for applying key evidence-informed steps for AFO design, evaluation, and optimization of AFO shoes combination alignment to address specific client goals. Implementing these practices may help clinicians maximize the effects of this powerful-- but sometimes controversial-- intervention modality.

One size does not fit all.

Join Dr. Kyra Kane in this on-demand online course 'Evidence-Informed Practices for Individualized Prescription of Ankle Foot Orthoses' which will introduce evidence-informed practices for individualized prescription of ankle-foot orthoses.


Learning objectives

In this online course, you will:

  • Apply knowledge of an AFO's direct and indirect mechanical effects to understand and improve individualized prescription decisions
  • List common types of AFOs and indications for hinged and solid AFOs
  • Illustrate how clinical assessment can guide decisions about AFO type (e.g., solid vs hinged AFO) and features (e.g., the ankle angle in the AFO)
  • Identify practical steps for evaluating and optimizing the AFO-footwear combination to address a client’s biomechanical goals
The instructors
Dr. Kyra Kane (she/her)

Dr. Kyra Kane has been a registered physical therapist since 1997, with clinical experience in pediatrics and orthopaedics. She is a full-time clinician, adjunct professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Saskatchewan, and Research Advisor for the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Kyra has an MSc in Kinesiology and Health Studies, a PhD in Health Sciences, and extensive postgraduate training and clinical experience in biomechanical gait analysis and orthotic intervention.

Kyra is passionate about supporting the clinical application of evidence and best practices. She has presented her research nationally and internationally through journals, conferences, lectures, and webinars. Her research interests include examining evidence-based use of individualized ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) for children, understanding the experiences of children and clinicians with AFO prescription, and improving pediatric gait measurement and rehabilitation outcomes.

Material included in this course
  • Welcome and Resources
  • Welcome!
  • Slides
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Leaning questions 1 and 2
  • Feedback
  • The Prescription
  • Background: Overview of Direct and Indirect Effects of AFOs
  • Kinetics and the Ground Reaction Force in Gait
  • Goal Setting and Evaluation
  • Learning Question #3
  • Feedback
  • Decisions about AFO Type and Design Features
  • Learning Question #4
  • AFO Types and Indications
  • AFO Design Features I: Stiffness
  • AFO Design Features II: The Ankle Angle in the AFO
  • Feedback
  • AFO-Footwear Combination Fit and Follow-up
  • Evaluation I
  • Evaluation II: Static Alignment
  • Biomechanical Optimization
  • Biomechanical Optimization: Two Examples
  • Reflections on practice
  • Feedback
  • Gait Training and Beyond
  • Gait Training and Beyond
  • Feedback
  • Quiz - Evidence-informed AFO prescription practises
  • Summary
  • Summary
  • Your final thoughts
  • Feedback
  • Q&A
  • Q&A
  • What's Next
  • Feedback

Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.

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