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What's new on Embodia

September 30, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Acute & Early Postpartum PT & OT - Hospital to Home
September 27, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Embodia’s HCAI Integration Helps Psychologists Provide the Care their MVA Patients Need
September 27, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Physiotherapists and a Palliative Approach to Care
September 26, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Reformer Pilates for Pregnancy and Birth Prep
September 24, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Essential Reformer Pilates for Rehab
September 23, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Reformer Pilates to Enhance Rehab: Benefits and Logistics in Private Practice
September 19, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Game-Based NeuroFitness Platform Blending Balance Gait Visuomotor and Cognitive Training
September 18, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
ACT and Occupational Therapy for Pain Rehabilitation
September 18, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Integration with GreenShield for direct insurer billing in Canada
September 17, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Pediatric Occupational Therapy - Using Yoga as a Fun and Effective Treatment Modality
September 17, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to exclude days from a schedule availability
September 16, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Demo Series - Session 3: Automated Superbills
September 13, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Demo Series - Session 2: Simplifying MVA Billing
September 12, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Compassionate Pain Care: Where Science & Humanity Merge
September 11, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Demo Series - Session 1: Streamline your Practice with Embodia
September 10, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Resource Blog: Patient Education for Healthy Bowel Movements
September 9, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Add practitioners' signature(s) to patient invoices
September 5, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Bedside Ultrasound of the Diaphragm to Guide Respiratory Muscle Training in the ICU
August 29, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
A Medical Approach to Erectile Dysfunction
August 28, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Chronic Constipation - Interventions beyond Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia!
August 26, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
The Physiotherapy Approach to Erectile Dysfunction
August 23, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Improve Maternal Health Internationally as a Pelvic Physiotherapist Consultant
August 22, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
How to Structure a Partner Birth Preparation Session in Clinic
August 21, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to allow patients to reschedule their appointment and asking patients to provide a cancellation reason when cancelling a consult
August 19, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to provide coupon codes for purchasing products from the patient portal
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