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3 Ways Using TELUS eClaims Can Increase Revenue
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov MSc, HBSc, Content Writer at Embodia ∙ Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A real turn-off

The other day, I took my toddler to the dentist. For those of you with kids, I'm sure you know first-hand about the wonderful experience that is taking your toddler to the dentist. For those of you sans-little people, I shall spare you the details.

But while at the dentist, I was informed that I would have to pay out-of-pocket and then submit my invoice to my insurer. What a turn-off!

As a patient, 100% of the time I prefer having to pay 0% out of pocket. First of all, I might not always have the money available up-front, but I never want to compromise my, or my family's health and well-being for financial reasons. Second, I just don't want the hassle. I am busy. BUSY! Whether it's working, cleaning, picking up toys, being a spouse, caregiver, or mother, staring at the ceiling in existential angst, or one of my countless other important activities, I have no desire to find my password, log in to my insurer site or app, take a photo or screenshot of my invoice and FINALLY, after what seems like 273 hours, submit my invoice. 

I don't think I am the only one who feels this way. And many who may find themselves in dire financial situations due to the rising cost of living, are often unable to visit healthcare professionals because they simply cannot pay out-of-pocket, even though they might have access to private insurance. 


Loss of potential clients

These potential clients often end up turning to healthcare professionals who bill directly to insurance in an attempt to reduce their out-of-pocket expenses. And I get it, given the opportunity, I would do the same.

So why don't more of us bill directly to insurers? Some common reasons include "It's too much admin hassle", "I don't have admin staff and don't have time to do it myself", or "It's messy and I'd rather not deal with insurance provider drama." All fair concerns. And on the other end of the spectrum, "I already have a full caseload so I don't need to."

If you have a full caseload, congrats, you're doing amazing work! But, as COVID-19 has already proven, any clinic can go from full caseload to closed unexpectedly. With climate change, political instability, and the rising cost of living, you never know when you'll need to be prepared for the unexpected. Being able to bill to insurance can be that secret trump card to keep your business open and thriving. 

The mess, extra work and the drama? Honestly, we don't promote that, which is why we try to make insurance billing easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy for you ( I said, I have a toddler, and to our toddler-less readers: that was a PJ Masks reference).

Embodia TELUS eClaims integration to the rescue

And just like the PJ Masks (see reference above), we're ready to face fiendish villains to stop them from messing with your bottom line! Enter the Embodia-TELUS eClaims integration. 

For practitioners and clinics based out of Canada, Embodia has a hassle-free and easy-to-use integration with TELUS eClaims (for cash-based practitioners and clinics based in the United States, Embodia enables you to easily generate Superbills, learn more about it in this guide or this great blog from Dr. Aaron LeBauer).

The TELUS eClaims feature integrates seamlessly with the Embodia billing features, available as part of Embodia's Tier 3: Practice Management membership ($45 per month/practitioner with no hidden fees), resulting in significant time savings and less administrative hassle. 

All you have to do to bill directly to the insurer is:

  1. Create a free TELUS eClaims account (registering only takes a few minutes).

  2. Enable the TELUS integration on your account & add your credentials to Embodia.

  3. Submit your TELUS claim or predetermination claim directly from your patient's invoice on Embodia and get a response within minutes

Submit Telus eClaims directly from Embodia


3 Ways using eClaims can increase revenue

So how can using Embodia's TELUS eClaims integration increase your revenue?

  1. You won't be losing potential clients who are not comfortable or unable to pay out-of-pocket expenses.

  2. You will be reducing clinic credit card fees.

  3. You will be an emergency-ready superhero and ensure that you do not lose income even if emergencies (such as another pandemic *knocks on wood and throws salt over shoulder*) were to happen again.

3 Ways Using eClaims Can Increase Revenue blog image

Talk to us

If you have any questions, or if you're ready to improve the client experience at your practice by reducing their out-of-pocket expenses and sparing them the insurance paperwork, we'd love to hear from you!

Book a free discovery call   



Date published: 7 Feb 2024
Last update: 6 Feb 2024

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